Monday 21 July 2014


The Miami Heat, as we have come to know it, is no more. Of course, the organisation existed before July 10, 2010, and will exist beyond July 11 2014, but for a period of 4 years “The Miami Heat” came to represent something more than just the franchise to which the name belongs. It referred to a team; a specific group of individuals, consisting of a unique collection of talent who brought with them a rarely seen level of interest and adversity. A team that lived at the height of sports for four event-filled seasons, captivating a nation’s attention like few other have and ever will. With perfect harmony, twice they conquered and lived at the top of the nba mountain, and twice they fell at the final hurdle, ending the way they had began, in defeat and uncertainty. But never did they fail to entertain. Given the enormity that went into the past four years, and the possibility we will never see anything quite like it again, it seems fitting that people feel an urge to pay tribute in whatever way they can. Below is an attempt to condense the best of the past four years into a collection of 10 games. As time goes on, the fascinating intricacies of what we lived through over the past 4 years will begin to fade away. I hope I can hold on to these 10. 

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