Monday 21 July 2014

5 Honourable Mentions - #1

15. 2014 NBA Finals - Game 2 - San Antonio Spurs (A)

Miami Heat 98, San Antonio Spurs 96

The last victory for the big 3. A remarkable fact considering the collective thought at the time. You wouldn't have believed it if you had been told. You might even have had trouble believing that they would go on to lose the series from there, let alone losing three straight times, twice at home, all three of them blow outs. And yet it did happen, and Miami went from a potential three-peat, to their whole world crumbling, people questioning their future, and LeBron packing his bags for his old home. 3 games which changed the course of history, and brought the run to an end.

The game itself was remarkable enough on its own. It had come on the heels of an equally remarkable game 1, “The Cramp Game”, played in furious heat and featuring the incredible scenes of the King once again having to be carried off the floor with cramps.

It also featured THIS turn-back-the-clock throwdown from Jesus Shuttlesworth. He watched the final agonising minutes from the sideline as the “A game” that Miami had brought to San Antoni was rendered meaningless. And yet, after all that, they came out for game 2 and forced a split anyway.

The reasons:
  • 35 and 10 from LeBron: a truly vintage performance featuring an amazing 6/6 hot shooting streak in the 3rd. Add in a few clutch threes in the fourth, too, and this felt like one of LeBron’s best heat games.
  • 2 great Bosh jams
  • Another big shot Bosh moment, this one a crucial 3
  •             Rashard Lewis continued his remarkable run of form, with great support from fellow Sonic Ray
  •       A high stakes, high quality game on the road. Gained the advantage in the nba finals
  •        The historical significance; the last win for the big 3

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